Asteria HR Group is a recruitment consultancy specialised in IT, Finance & Engineering

Find your dream job!

Popular jobs: Engineering Finance IT



IT recruitment

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Fin Finance

Fin Finance

Finance recruiment

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BN Engineering

BN Engineering

Engineering recruitment

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Technology driven recruitment Solutions


Recruitments brought to completion


Recruitment experts trained


Years experience in recruitment

Why work with Asteria HR Group?

Clean no cure no pay policy

Result-driven operation to create a win-win-win situation for all parties involved. We strive for success!

Specialisation is key

Our technical and geographical specialisations within our 3 brands ensure that we can quickly provide the right candidate within a specific professional domain. Paired with high-end innovative HR technology.

Quality by expertise

A staggering 91.2% of proposed candidates of our partners are invited for an introductory interview. This saves you a lot of time and expenses.


We fill your vacancies

Struggling in the war for talent? Asteria HR Group is your new partner. 

This is a staging environment
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Asteria HR Group
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